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Project Overview

This project:

◦ Is a full-stack web application Uber system with Django and PostgreSQL.

◦ Enable users to login/logout, request/search/select/drive for/join in rides, change/view order status.

◦ Was built for web-page with CSS, HTML and Bootstrap Library, and used Docker for web-app development.

Project Design

Web Deployment

Final Design



  • Create a user account
  • Login with a valid user account
  • Handle login failure with an an invalid user account
  • Logout from a user session


  • User should be able to register as a driver by entering their personal & vehicle info
  • User should be able to submit a ride request by specifying the required and any combination of the optional info
  • User should be able to make a selection to view any non-complete ride they belong to
  • User should be able to make a selection to edit any open ride they belong to
  • A ride owner should be able to edit the requested attributes of a ride until that ride is confirmed
  • User should be able to view all ride details for any open ride they belong to
  • User should be able to view all ride details + driver and vehicle details for any confirmed ride they belong to


  • User should be able to search for sharable, open ride requests (by destination, arrival window, and # of passengers)
  • User should be able to join a ride returned in a search


  • User should be able to view and edit their driver status as well as personal & vehicle info
  • An email should be sent to the owner and any sharers of a ride once it is confirmed by a driver
  • A registered driver should be able to search for open ride requests (filtered by the driver’s vehicle capacity and type / special info, if applicable)
  • A registered driver should be able to mark a selected ride (returned from a search) as confirmed (thus claiming and starting the ride)
  • A driver should be able to see a list of their confirmed rides
  • A driver should be able to select a confirmed ride and view all of the ride details
  • A driver should be able to edit a confirmed ride for the purpose of marking it complete after the ride is over