Risk_Game——Harry Potter style strategy game

Github Link: https://github.com/YUME-FF/Risk_Game


Based on the JUnit and JavaFX Robot, we have reached about 90% test coverage.(Branch Coverage)

To be more specific:

  • Based on virtual machine with headless server, we have reached about 88% test coverage.(Branch Coverage)
  • Based on mac and using JavaFX Robot test, we have reached about 90% test coverage.(Branch Coverage)


  • Evolution 1: 2/24 - 3/24
  • Evolution 2: 3/24 - 4/10
  • Evoluiton 3: 4/10 - 4/28

Project Mamagement Sheet



Design Overview

UML Diagram

Game Overview

UI Design

Game Detail

Map initialization

The duke map is initialized with 24 territories. This game supports 2-4 players. For 2 players, each player will have 12 territories, and can choose from colors: red, blue. For 3 players, each player will have 8 territories, and can choose from colors: red, blue, yellow. For 4 players, each player will have 6 territories, and can choose from colors: red, blue, yellow, green. For each pair of adjacent territories, the distance between them is 5.

Unit initialization

The player each has 24 First-year students(level 0) at the start of the game to assign to their territories. There is a total of 7 level of students: First-year(level 0), Second-year(level 1), Third-year(level 2), Fourth-year(level 3), Fifth-year(level 4), Sixth-year(level 5), Seventh-year(level 6). Each territory will generate 1 First-year student(level 0) at the beginning of a new turn.

Resource and Tech Level initialization

Each territory produces 5 food resources and 5 tech resources per turn. Each player starts with a tech level 1, and can upgrade per turn till tech level 6.

Action Costs

Attack and move actions cost food resources.

  • Attack cost = 8 * numUnits
  • Move cost = distance * numUnits

Research and upgrade actions cost tech resources.

  • Research Cost Table
Upgrade Level Cost
1->2 20
2->3 40
3->4 80
4->5 160
5->6 320
  • Upgrade Cost+Bonus Table
Cost (Total) Bonus Tech Level Required
0(0) 0 Units Start Here
3(3) 1 1
8(11) 3 2
19(30) 5 3
25(55) 8 4
35(90) 11 5
50(140) 15 6